Ottawa Valley RV Inc. - Structural Tips and Repairs

RV Structural Tips

Without a sound skeleton your RV can become a trap

RV Structural Tips
RV Structural Tips

This is a section that I could spend hours talking about so I'll try to keep it short.
There are obvious tell tale signs that your have or may end up with a leak... somewhere.

  • Exterior
    • Visible cracks in the roof sealants - some are just weathered but more often than not an entry point for water.
    • Any soft section of the roof - can it be repaired? Yes it can.
    • De-lamination of your RV's once smooth exterior.
    • Any cracked exterior sealant - windows, doors, cubby access, exterior lights etc
    • Any exterior trim that separates from the trailer

  • Interior
    Unfortunately this is where we find most will first suspect there is a problem.
    • That all to familiar smell of mold, however it's sometimes undetected in closets, under beds etc
    • Soft floor at the door - soft floors anywhere- slide-outs, inside storage compartments etc
    • Discolouring of flooring - laminate and/or carpet
    • The obvious ceiling panel staining - I love the websites that say "make it go away for good - just paint over it"; believe me, the stain will reappear until the cause is addressed
    • Wall panel 'wall paper' discolouring and/or lifting from the wall panel itself
    • Check in hidden corners and under anywhere not as readily visible

When it comes to water damage it's not just the roof, wall panel or flooring that is the worry; the main concern is the extent of structural damage that we can't see! It's not until we gain access behind the walls, exterior and interior, that the full extent of water damage is revealed. Many newer trailers have an aluminum skeleton which is a real saver for the most part.
We all take pride in our RV's condition but nature can really sneak past us. We've seen so many beautiful settings on seasonal lots with beautiful landscaping, gardens decks and protecting overhang roofs. When nature strikes it then becomes a matter of cost value. Do you have your 'home away from home' repaired or go through the process of having it removed and replaced, which often far exceeds what the repair cost would be. When we enjoy our RV it often holds a certain sentimental value too. That can be a good factor and at times a not so good factor when deciding on repairs. We won't tell you what to do; we'll make our recommendations based on your needs and wishes.

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