Ottawa Valley RV Inc. - Covid 19 Travel Tips

Covid 19 Travel Tips

The new face of RV travel and seasonal recreation

Covid 19

Background photo credit to Izabela Mierzejewski on Unsplash

Mandatory Covid Protocols

We hate having to put this up but it's a crazy world that we now live in. Before soaking up the information inside, and/or before calling or contacting us via email, please read the Covid 19 protocols below that we will be enforcing during any repair and/or inspection visit. Whether read or not it will still be assumed by us that you have done so and we shall not be responsible for any repercussions that might arise for failure to follow them.

Due to the constant prescience of Covid 19, with no one really knowing who may be carrying the virus, the wearing a mask is your choice, however, physical distancing must be adhered to at all times when in our presence. When we are on site to conduct repairs and/or inspections inside the RV we require the RV owners to remain outside until we have completed said action. When conducting repairs on the outside any and all occupants must maintain a minimum distance of 20 feet from the RV itself. Why? For your own safety. While we will take every precaution, we are not perfect and we most certainly do not want to see you injured. We also may at times use chemicals that could be harmful to your health and we do not want you breathing those fumes in.
If we do not feel comfortable and/or these protocols are not followed (unless otherwise agreed to by both parties) we reserve the right to exit the premises and invoice you for what time was spent regardless.

We now live in a world of mutating uncertainty. The challenges we tackle are ever evolving but there's no denying that our ability to get away is somewhat paramount to our mental health. We meed to remain flexible as the RV and camping industry itself pose real issues for anyone looking to settle into their seasonal or travel arrangements. Below are some guidelines we hope will be of use for you and your family's safety. Covid 19 zone status can change overnight so always take the time to review protocols of your local municipalities and those of your chosen destinations. The Ontario provincial website provides overall information and does not necessarily reflect the changes locally so it's up to you to consult your local, provincial and inter-provincial information sources.

It goes without saying that it's up to each of us to do our part to help reduce, if not eliminate, the spread of the Covid 19 virus and associated mutations. Whether you are vaccinated or not we will help you along the way. We firmly believe that, while following the base protocols, we need to work together, the unvaccinated and vaccinated, in order to rebuild the strength of Canada. The RV community has always been there for each other and now is not the time to weaken that main strength. Lets work together in support of each other.

  • Limit close contact to people of your own household
  • Try to maintain a small social circle
  • Wear face masks where and as required
  • Wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes and mouth.
    The greatest key to avoid infection of any kind - isn't that what your momma told you?
  • Simple cloth and/or decorative cloth masks are ineffective so please use N95 status masks or its equivalnt
  • Maintain social distancing at a minimum of 2 metres (6.56 feet)
  • Avoid travel outside of your own local as this can increase the potential of spikes in outside communities
  • Adhere to provincial and local requirements for social gatherings
  • Consult and adhere to protocols of any RV parks that you will be visiting
    • many RV parks have closed their bathrooms, shower amd laundry facilities
    • be prepared for any changes that will affect your stay
    • ensure the working order of your RV's fresh water and sewage system - ask us for advice
    • follow the rules about contact within the RV park

Below are the national & provincial Covid 19 website links for Canada. (Each one opens a new tab) and a link to the main USA goverment Covid guidleines link.
Stay safe, stay healthy and let's all have a great season!