Ottawa Valley RV Inc. - Terms of Use and Conditions

Ottawa Valley RV Inc. Product and Service Purchase Policy

Amended May 27, 2022

Welcome to Ottawa Valley RV Inc.

We strive to provide our clients the best possible service and products.
Through multiple reliable suppliers we deliver quality products for your RV. At the same time, we find the best possible price through them. At times we may choose, at our discretion, to out source suppliers if we find comparable products at a price better suited to your budget. In the end, we stand behind each product we provide and any service provided. We know how it is when things go wrong with any aspect of owning an RV. Our personal experiences coupled with years of repair service give us an edge which we pass on to you.

Reservation of Rights

Regardless of any one person having read these terms and rights, or not, these reservations of our rights stand as do the terms. As such we reserve the right to determine the best solution to your need/s. Wherein we feel that one manufacturer provides a better product, regardless of price, we reserve the right to choose which product/s to provide. Our commitment to providing the best quality service goes hand in hand with providing the product/s best suited to the the situation. Should you make disagreement to such, and a product we consider of lesser quality be chosen, we reserve the right not to warranty said product/s. We shall always warranty our work, however, we cannot warranty what we consider a product of lesser quality and/or reliability. In the rare event that we should agree to install a product purchased by you it cannot and will not be warranted by us. In addition, the reliability and warranty of any product you purchase, over and above our recommendation, is solely your responsibility. It is also to be fully understood that we have no control over the fluctuation of product market prices. Market prices are constantly changing as are shipping and delivery costs. Any price that we quote for any product/s is subject to change without notice. We will make a concerted effort to inform you of any such fluctuation, however, we bear no responsibility for said changes. We also reserve the right to amend the product purchase policy along with its terms and conditions at any time.

Product & service purchase terms

Wherein you make agreement, verbally or by signed order, to purchase from Ottawa Valley RV Inc. any product and/or service we recommend you are legally bound to provide full payment of such upon request. With the afore mentioned terms we reserve the right to require a non-refundable deposit against the purchase of any product and/or service required. Our suppliers do not accept deposits against product purchases, however, we do so in order to help reduce the weight of multiple and/or large item purchase. Once we have applied any non-refundable deposit against the purchase of an agreed upon product we cannot provide a return of any such monies. This may be disconcerting to some and as such we apologize for implementation of such terms. Regardless, we cannot return any paid monies. It is to be fully understood that we take a great risk in accepting partial payment towards any product purchase/s and/or service. Any deposit requested by Ottawa Valley RV Inc. is often less than the full purchase price of the agreed upon product/s, hence the risk taken by Ottawa Valley RV Inc. is high. Any remaining balance for any agreed upon product purchase and/or service is required to be paid in full upon request. On occasion, Ottawa Valley RV may make agreement with involved parties to accept payments towards full payment of the remaining balance. All such payments, whether it be deposit, remaining balance payment, or partial payments towards a remaining balance as agreed upon, for product and/or services, are all non-refundable. The above rights and terms are non-negotiable. It is to be noted that the afore mentioned is in place to protect not only the interests of Ottawa Valley RV Inc. but also those of its trusting clients. Sustaining delivery of quality product and services is fundamental to the success of Ottawa Valley RV Inc. and shall legally protect those interests. Ottawa Valley RV Inc. reserves the right to proceed with legal action as needed per legal counsel.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions as related to the purchase and use of products provided by us, or any product purchased by you against our recommendation. Nothing in this disclaimer will:

  • limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury;
  • limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
  • limit any of our or your liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or
  • exclude any of our or your liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

The limitations and prohibitions of liability set in this Section and elsewhere in this disclaimer: (a) are subject to the preceding paragraph; and (b) govern all liabilities arising under the disclaimer, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort and for breach of statutory duty.

As long as the sale of product and/or service are provided per our recommendation, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature otherwise.